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Racial injustice. #BLM

Hi guys! Welcome to my second blog! I've officially made an Instagram account dedicated to my organization. Please go follow it @_genznonprofit because I post a lot of important information there! Anyways, for this week’s blog, I wanted to talk about racial discrimination, particularly on black people. If you are a white person, you have something called "white privilege." These can be big or small privileges white people have over other races just from the color of their skin. After the tragic murder of George Floyd, an innocent black man murdered by a white cop, many people started realizing the discrimination black people have to go through every single day. More people started giving the issue of black racism the attention it deserves. Walking with a hood on, having something in your hand, walking in the dark: these are all things white people can do without any doubt or caution. Black people have to be cautious while doing these everyday things, because people see them as a “threat.” The color of your skin should not be a threat. Other everyday privileges white people have without realizing are things like having band aids as the same color as their skin. Although there are many simple issues like that, the main struggle is that black people are being discriminated for CRIMES, and lawfully wrong things. CHANGE needs to come. In my own eyes, I see that racism is taught. No one is born hating others because of the color of their skin. Our generation can finally come to end racism. We are all equal. Please educate yourselves and others to resolve this ongoing issue as well as sign petitions to help create justice. By educating ourselves, we will grow up to know right from wrong and teach our children the same, bringing a different viewpoint into the world and how we see each other, despite the color of our skin. We can do this. We can end racism.

- Genz

Thank you for reading this weeks blog!! I post a lot of important info/ ways you can help on my Instagram so please make sure to check it out: @_genznonprofit. See you guys next week with my new blog! <3

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