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Societies unrealistic body standards

Hi guys! Welcome to my third blog! Today I’m going to be talking about societies unrealistic standards which have built up to where people are starving themselves. I’ve come across many people through videos, comments and even my own friends who are unhappy with their perfectly healthy, beautiful bodies. Although I am guilty of not liking my body myself, I’m learning to love it as I grow every day. I even know kids in elementary school who are unhappy with their bodies. A study has shown that over 50% of girls are unhappy with their bodies by the age of 13. To me this is insane. This makes me so sad because at age 13, kids should be having fun, NOT worrying about their bodies. I see people starving themselves due to their constant thoughts that they’re fat. These cause people to gain eating disorders and become extremely unhealthy. I believe that the cause of this issue comes from social media. People wake up to pictures of skinny Instagram models on their phones every day with unrealistic body standards. I want everyone to realize that these models, and people you see online edit their photos and pose in certain ways to look skinnier. Most people have rolls when they sit down or relax their stomach. Its natural and shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. Seeing these unrealistic bodies online creates an image of the “ideal body type” In people’s minds. They start to tell themselves that in order to be pretty, they have to look like the models they see online. In reality, every single body type is beautiful in its own way. Weather its skinny, medium or large. Our society has created an expectation and a “standard” that only skinny girls are pretty. I want to change this thought and this standard because its FALSE. Everyone is beautiful, and its sad to see people struggling to see that in themselves. Let’s create a world where girls don’t have to cry when looking in the mirror wearing a bikini. This goes both ways, for men too. Personally, I have struggled with this issue for so long. I couldn’t see myself as pretty unless I had a skinny body. Fortunately, I’ve come to see the beauty of my body. Because I struggled with this issue for so long, It makes me sad to see others struggling with it as well. You are beautiful. Start telling yourself that, and start acting as if you feel beautiful. You don’t need to look a certain way to be pretty! I hope you guys enjoyed this blog because it’s a message that I really want to spread and a topic that I would like to talk more about. If any of you ever need to talk, please don’t be afraid to reach out! I have open arms to ANYONE! My Instagram for this organization is @_genznonprofit if you would like to DM me! Also make sure to follow because I post a lot of important information there and ways you can help with ongoing issues! Have an amazing week and make the best of everything you do! See you next week and thank you for reading!

- Nadia

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